Tag: Leadership

Immortal Thinking & Leading

We are living in very unique times; vastly different from 30, 10, even 3 years ago. Hence this very unique message… Because of the accelerated and radical changes we have and are experiencing we need to approach leadership from a vastly different perspective. During these unprecedented times leaders are expected to perform miracles – do […]

Learning & Development
Brackets of Meaning

Highway traffic illustration Travelling a busy highway is symbolic of all of us travelling during our daily activities. From an overall economics point of view we can classify the hundreds of different travellers into categories of professions, social interest and functions for the day. Getting into the lives of every driver and passenger is a […]

Choice Dynamics

In the life of a leader nothing is as important or nothing can possibly be more important than the leader’s attitude towards choice. We naturally assume that good leaders are equipped to make good decisions. The truth is that many people, including many leaders, are often severely curtailed as a result of misunderstanding the nature […]

A Once In A Life Time Leadership Experience In The Authentic African Bush – For You And Your Family #OnceInALifetimeExperience

You are already a successful leader. Yet, you have felt a prompting for a while now to take your leadership to the next level, for yourself, your current position, for society at large and for your family. However, you struggle to find that valuable time due to a current demanding lifestyle. And perhaps you don’t […]

Leaders on Leadership
3 Reasons Why You Are Struggling To Create Movement

Ultimately there are 12 core reasons why leaders fail in today’s challenging environment. But, let’s simplify and discuss why you are struggling to create the much needed movement (performance, improvement, growth) of your people and organisation. There are at least three reasons…yes, only three. The inability to create expected and needed movement is without a […]

Models, Principles, and Behaviours
The Law of SUCCESSFUL movement

Last week we discussed that leaders are in the business of creating movement, and then we shared the universal law of movement. Please do yourself a favour and listen to the podcast.  http://iono.fm/e/136415 Today we share principles on how you turn the law of movement into positive (successful) movement – personally and as a business. […]

Leaders on Leadership
Recognising Failing Leadership   

Leadership is about mobilising stakeholders – converted into followers – to co-actualise shared, desired futures expressed as dreams (or visions), aimed at leaving behind lasting, worthy legacies. Leadership holds in their hands the fragile, precious hopes, fears, aspirations, and ideals of followers about the uncertain, unknown future, typing everyone together around a common destiny. The […]

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