Capturing South Africa’s Rich Leadership Legacy

FOR more than 15 years we have been on a mission critical adventure – working with and interviewing top leaders in South Africa specifically, but often beyond our borders as well. This eye opening experience was enriched and expedited by an association with Business Report and its Editor Ellis Mnyandu, culminating in this book – Seamless Leadership: Universal lessons from South Africa.

It captures the miraculous South African leadership heritage that the world admires so much, as demonstrated by its attraction to and even obsession with the late former president Nelson Mandela. And then aims to share it inside our own backyard while also exporting it to the world.

Our journey happened to take place while a new, democratic South Africa was born and moved from infant stage to turning 21, symbolising its coming of age. Engaging leaders during this vibrant period of our history – a crucible of note – resulted in the emergence of a leadership attitude approach that is not academic, but practically meant for this and future dynamic periods in the history of the world – a current “restoration period” where the world desperately needs something to restore the reputation of and hope in leadership and universal truths as an inherent part of life and all human beings; a future “building period” where leaders hopefully build on the restored trust in leaders, to take society to new heights.

So where are we currently?

We are facing a very serious trust deficit between leaders and followers world over, hopefully not irreparable. While South Africa and the world have many daunting challenges in this modern age, its biggest one by far may just be this very trust deficit. If we don’t trust our political, corporate and other leaders, why will we follow them towards the proposed solutions to societal ills that plague the world; or why will we follow them to an alternative destiny? If this future-threatening challenge is not confronted and resolved to some degree we and our future generations are doomed!

My preface delves into how close this country was to full scale war – as explained by a good source. Seamless Leadership is what saved us, which more than 21 years later remains relevant, even more so, across the globe. In short, when it mattered most, Mandela and other leaders demonstrated a seamless leadership attitude. This is what our political, corporate, civic, sports, educational and even family environment needs desperately!

The book reveals a big picture that leaders must see in order to contextualise this global trust and leadership deficit.

We then state a case that a seamless leadership attitude or mind-set is the solution – broadly speaking an attitude of always defaulting towards “universal” thinking and principles, zooming in on the essence of every situation, driving fanatically towards simplicity to manage complexity and always seeking big picture perspective.

Our journey has brought us to a point where we realise emphatically that not only must leaders have the confidence to: make effective decisions; combine success with values; ignite passion and shift attitudes; ensure consistent performance; multiply more leaders; ensure people performance; connect; ensure disciplined consistency; be courageous; be honest and open; make meaning; share; lead in difficult times; deal with sensitive and contentious situations; but they must do all this and more the “seamless leadership” way if they are going to succeed in today’s fast paced, highly volatile, unpredictable, interdependent world.

Trying to be a successful leader from a positional stance has long become obsolete. Most leaders know or sense this. Followers can and are revolting against it openly. Even attempting to be a “servant leader”, or a “level five leader”, or a “values driven leader”, or a whatever leader in isolation does not seem to have the leadership potency needed to counter a societal momentum towards some unknown, unpredictable, challenging yet exceptionally exciting future – only if understood and prepared for it though.

Our challenge to everyone in South Africa and across the globe is this: in your roles – father, mother, employee, citizen, manager, politician, community leader or whatever – the time has arrived to stand up for what is right, adopt “Seamless Leadership”, or “Mandela Leadership” in some form and help move yourself, your family, business, community, country and this globe to a better place. If not for yourself or your country, do it for our future generations.

Be part of the solution rather than the problem; focus on taking ownership and creating effective movement where you stand!

Based on interviews with leaders across all sectors of society, this book deals with decision making, combining success and values, igniting passion, shifting attitudes and performance, and multiplying leaders for real impact in difficult times or sensitive scenarios.

Go to Amazon now to order your copy or better still, copies for your team.

Would this be of value to yourself or your team? Email Adriaan on for more on creating “Leadership Fit” leaders that generate successful movement (performance) inside your organisation.




Adriaan, as an accomplished author and leadership advisor, has been interviewing and working with top leaders for more than 15 years. He is the Co-Founder and CEO of Leadership Platform. (Twitter: @AdriaanG_LP)

Call: +27 (0)12 653 3022

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