Tag: Passion


Theo H Veldsman Work Psychologist; Visiting Professor, Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, University of Johannesburg; Extraordinary Professor, University of Stellenbosch Business School Leadership is about identifying possible futures, followed by choosing and actualising a shared, desired future. The verbs ‘identifying’, ‘choosing’ and ‘actualising’ imply an uncertain journey towards an ever shifting, continuously, re-imagined […]

A Once In A Life Time Leadership Experience In The Authentic African Bush – For You And Your Family #OnceInALifetimeExperience

You are already a successful leader. Yet, you have felt a prompting for a while now to take your leadership to the next level, for yourself, your current position, for society at large and for your family. However, you struggle to find that valuable time due to a current demanding lifestyle. And perhaps you don’t […]

Leaders on Leadership
Passion x Challenges = Opportunities + Movement

Last year I shared a couple of tweets from this passage by Louis Groenewald and received more re-tweets than ever before: “Passion is a powerful language. Passion for a cause crosses cultural and language barriers. It is felt, rather than mentally understood. Passion feels authentic. It sends out honest vibes. It can be quiet and […]

Leaders on Leadership
How To Change

Do current leadership development programs change people? Some of the vexing questions in leadership development programs of today are: How can we ensure it is relevant in today’s world? Will the programme adequately equip our leaders to deal with the onslaught of challenges and unique issues of our business? How do we change behaviour of […]

Leaders on Leadership
Getting Passion Back Into Your Organisation

Do we want to get the passion back into your organisation? Generally we seem to agree that the world needs leadership more than ever before. Not just leadership – we have a great many leaders! – but transformational leadership that inspire behavioural change and generate more passionate positive movement. In the midst of years of […]

Venete Klein – A Leader To Follow

Dr Maya Angelou, the Pulitzer Prize nominated poet and author, educator, historian, and civil-rights activist once said:  “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” On a few rare occasions I have had the privilege of interviewing and […]

Elizabeth Zambonini – CEO The Hope Factory

Every so often we come across what we term a SHARP leader.  This is a leader that demonstrates high levels of maturity in their abilities and attitude towards sharing what they have, respecting those around them, and ensuring performance takes place. Elizabeth Zambonini is a SHARP leader! We felt a real sense of this during […]

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